Tuesday, January 19, 2010

khianat amanat

salam alayk

today, i'm quite upset of myself,
maybe this is the test from HIM,
but really.... i feel disappointed
just this afternoon i received the 'amanat'
but then a few hours later(just thi evening)
the 'amanat' is gone..
i've lost it.. haven't find until now..
is it khianat???
how careless i am...
oh GOD..
do help me....
i need ur guidence..
to be stonger n more patient
in any obstacles n hardship YOU give me...
please forgive me...
do help me to find the 'amanat'.......amin

walillahi ma fis samawati wal ard. wailaihi turja'ul umur
To Allah belongs all That is in the heavens And on earth; to Him Do all questions Go back (for decision)

-Surah Ali Imran 3:2-

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